Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Making Things Pretty

One more day and the sunroom floor will be finished with Texas beige ceramic tile. This picture does not really do them justice. They are a bit more peachy beige than what displays here. I took the picture when it was getting sort of dark this evening. The grout perfectly matches the tile though and I am really grout happy. I have 32 more pieces to glue down around the perimeter of the room. I have to go to Lowes Home Improvement tomorrow before driving out to "The Beast" to have them cut 9 pieces of the tile for me. The last row along the length of the room has only 9 inches of space left. Sigh, if the room had been 3 inches longer it would have been perfect with no cutting. Oh, well. I anticipate needing my own tile cutter/saw by the time I get around to the kitchen/laundry room floor and the upstairs bathroom walls.

So, I used 144 tile at a whopping sale price from Lowes at .68 a tile which totaled 97.92, another 38.00 for the adhesive and 16.97 for the grout. Plus tax, the floor cost approximately 163.00. Wall repair may begin as early as Thursday. I already have the drywall. I DO need some plaster. OK... another trip to Lowes.

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