Monday, April 16, 2012

Sunroom Shenanigans

This weekend.... while the water problems were being solved... I returned to some sunroom shenanigans. Since the sunroom is directly off the library... I decided to include bookshelves in the sunroom. I have started building shelves under the windows. I used decking lumber.... concrete blocks.... paint.... and fabric. I completed the shelves under the short wall... and next week will work on the long wall.

When I told my sister about my shelves she thought they would just look like the ordinary college kid cement block shelves... but after viewing my pictures she has admitted that they are a bit of a step above the college kid dorm room cement block shelf... and approved wholeheartedly.

I am quite pleased with how they turned out... and I unpacked some of the "R" - "S" boxes  of authors so they could have a place to rest. 

Water, water....everywhere.

So, Rick came again yesterday.... and worked all day.... once again. He was determined to get the water flowing at 'the Beast.'
After a few trips to the Home Center store.... and to pick up tools.... Rick replaced the vanity drain, the bathtub drain... bathtub faucets... and hooked up the kitchen sink.

Of course, there were some complications... but since Rick is the "go to guy" and a problem solver.... he worked it out and the water is on... FINALLY.

Everything is working just fine.
I took the first shower this morning... and even washed some dishes.... whooo hooooo.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Pearl's Page

Pearl got some attention today.... so.... adding Pearl pictures just because...