Monday, February 14, 2011

Under 20 Bucks

It's always a successful thrift store day when you can find a chair for 19 bucks. Found this heavy (believe me, it's heavy) pink chair at the Salvation Army store... down the street from 'the Beast.'
It may be a downstairs chair because I am not sure if I can get it up the stairs to a bedroom. We barely got it into the house from the truck. I am sure neighbors were laughing at our efforts.

The Groundhog's Spring

OK.... the groundhog was obviously correct. He predicted an early spring....and the weekend brought temperatures in the upper 50's. This gave my sister and I an opportunity to head to 'the Beast'... to spend the night and get a few things accomplished.
The goal was to yank the mauve toilet and facebowl out of the upstairs bathroom. Mission accomplished.
While working in the bathroom I discovered 100 year old wallpaper on the ceiling. The kind of wallpaper that had the fabric backing.... and luckily it pulled right off in strips.... tore off straight and clean like tearing muslin.
The bathroom is awaiting beautification.
I am going back on Weds. and Thurs. of this week because temperatures in the 60's are promised.
Happily winter is over in my world and I can get back to business.