Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Desperate Landscapes

OK... so my yard was NOT chosen for the most desperate landscape in America and no one is coming from the DYI network to help me out. It was all up to me. Thus, I had 20 tons of driveway rock delivered to The Beast to spruce things up.

I realize I haven't "blogged" for a couple of sue me. It has been TOO hot here in the midwest to do much work... much less kick rocks around on the driveway.
There is some hope, though, for I finally moved around all the piles of rocks and have the whole back area covered in about 2 inches of lovely rocks. The little turnout behind the house looks quite nice. I need another 10 tons tailgated down the narrow part of the driveway on the side of the house to the street and this job will be called completed.

Thank the Lord for some 80 degree days finally so something could get accomplished without fear of falling over from a heat stroke.
Thus, with a rake, a shovel and my salmon colored bucket I moved around my rock piles. I actually have a wheelbarrow, however the tire (which I thought was repaired) decided to once again be flat as a pancake, and was no help.
You can work wonders with a bucket.
OH... and FYI those rose of sharon bushes attract mega huge bumblebees.


  1. It sure is looking good and all your hard work (and Shirleys) lol is paying off!


If you have any advice feel free to offer positive information.