Friday, April 2, 2010

Some Beauty to the Beast

It's definetly spring and I am back to "The Beast." I spent the day removing layers of paint from the metal frames of the crank out windows in the sunroom. I almost have the one by the porch cleaned up and ready for some new finishing/rustoleum. The color will be white.
When I was leaving for the evening I suddenly noticed that the tree directly in front of "The Beast", and in between the semi-circle walkway, was flowering. It's so pretty. It turns out that I have a magnolia tree in front of house, next to the oak. Thus, the picture of the flower, which I brought home for benefit of a new blogging attitude. I'm spending the night Sunday in order to get more work done.
Oh, I called Rick the Roofer to arrange a window installation for the window I have for the upstairs bathroom and also to consult about the plumbing. I really want some water flowing....without leakage....for the spring. I am waiting to hear from him.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see what you do next! You are doing a great job and I think this will be a beautiful house when done. Here's hoping you get your water!


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