Sunday, October 25, 2009

Making Progress

I hung with 'The Beast' today. It was a pretty sunny and mild Sunday. I admittedly didn't get there until noon, and was surprised that Rick was working on the roof. Since it rains during the week and the weekends are sunny he feels he has to make hay while the sun shines. I ain't mad at him. As you can see he is rolling with the shingles. Perhaps two more days and he will be done, however one doesn't really know what those two days will actually be.....depending on which two days aren't filled up with rain. It's actually raining now.

I didn't realize it was raining this evening until I decided to go outside with Pearl (the Great Dane puppy.) Thus, I had to get the umbrella out because Pearl does not like to get rainy wet. This is Pearl. My sister calls her Pearlie T, with an emphasis on T for trouble. She is really a good puppy though. Pearl is almost a year old. She will have a birthday next month. Perhaps there will be no roofing tomorrow if it continues to rain.

I am tired of October rain. (So is Pearl).

Anyway, at the house today, Rick also started working on a porch roof to align and be in sync with the sunroom. He seems to have understood my vision for it and I am happy with his construction. If the weather cooperates he is going to put the rubber substance type roofing material on the porch and sunroom.
I believe it is going to look a lot better than the ugly aluminum siding piece of porch roof the previous owners had stuck up there in their attempt at some type of renovation.

For some reason I am enthralled with the sunroom. I scraped off the rest of the ugly bamboo/ivy leaf wallpaper that had been hiding under the ugly paneling for probably 30 years. Of course there was wallpaper out there because someone 100 years ago loved some wallpaper. I am ready to start making something pretty. I may be ready to drywall underneath the sunroom windows and fix the plaster wall next to the sunroom windows. I am attempting to determine whether I can sand down the hardwood floor cleanly enough to allow for a new stain to be pretty. If the hardwood is totally shot from the leaking out there I will probably do a ceramic tile floor.

I swear I will never wallpaper anything ever, ever, ever. To think I used to like wallpaper and border. Yeeeccchhh.

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